We believe in the importance of moments of confrontation with customers. Check out the upcoming trade shows Novacart Group will be attending.
Shenzhen 24/04/2025 -
26/04/2025 SIGEP China Stand 1-A40SIGEP China - Shenzhen
24/04/2025 - 26/04/2025
Stand 1-A40 -
Indianapolis 13/05/2025 -
15/05/2025 Sweet & Snacks Level 2, Booth 7316Sweet & Snacks - Indianapolis
13/05/2025 - 15/05/2025
Level 2, Booth 7316 -
Düsseldorf 18/05/2025 -
22/05/2025 IBA Hall 10, stand B11IBA - Düsseldorf
18/05/2025 - 22/05/2025
Hall 10, stand B11 -
Amsterdam 20/05/2025 -
21/05/2025 PLMA Hall 59, Stand 8CPLMA - Amsterdam
20/05/2025 - 21/05/2025
Hall 59, Stand 8C -
New Orleans 01/06/2025 -
03/06/2025 IDDBAIDDBA - New Orleans
01/06/2025 - 03/06/2025
Singapore 16/07/2025 -
18/07/2025 SIGEPSIGEP - Singapore
16/07/2025 - 18/07/2025
Las Vegas 13/09/2025 -
17/09/2025 IBIE North Hall, booth 5937IBIE - Las Vegas
13/09/2025 - 17/09/2025
North Hall, booth 5937 -
Rho, Milano 17/10/2025 -
21/10/2025 HOST Milano Pavilion 10P, Booth B24, B32,C23, C31HOST Milano - Rho, Milano
17/10/2025 - 21/10/2025
Pavilion 10P, Booth B24, B32,C23, C31